No booking fee this weekend - ends midnight Monday

Event 8

Autobiography workshop with Beltrán Gambier, Félix Losada and Noelia Núñez

Life in a few words

Venue: Centro Penitenciario de Segovia

For the second year running, Hay Festival Segovia will visit Segovia Prison to deliver the workshop Minimal Autobiographies, led by Beltrán Gambier, founder and director of the magazine Intramuros, a leading publication in this genre. Over the magazine’s 27 years, it has been contributed to by prestigious writers, including Nobel Literature Prize winners such as Günter Grass, Herta Müller and Mo Yan. This is an opportunity for inmates to take part in an intellectual literary activity, supported by the Hay Festival, in which they can write an extract of their own autobiographies. Gambier is also a lawyer and author of several legal texts in areas including Penitentiary Administrative Law.

Gambier will give the workshop with Félix Losada, Intramuros writer and trustee, as well as with El País journalist Noelia Núñez.

Event in Spanish

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